Tuesday, August 11, 2009

You Mean That's It?:

The Stanley Cup Journal at HHOF.com has exactly one more picture of Flower with the Cup than PP.com's SCJ article. Folks, I think we just got hosed. Don't get me wrong, it's a nice article with some humorous little anecdotes about Marc-Andre's day with the cup. (the boat story is about the best) but........ c'mon! 2 months I've been waiting to hear about Fleury's day with the cup and steal... uh...... I mean catch some pictures of him and the Big Shiny Jello-Mold, and this is all I get? Nothing against El Capitan, but I had to wade through 6 articles, 3 videos, 73 pictures of Sid's day with the Cup and wait 5 extra days to get to 3 pics and four paragraphs. Pardon me if I'm a bit miffed.


Sunshine36616 said...

I'm with you!! More Flower! Had He not made that secret service save at the end of the final period...it could have been a very different summer!

Sunshine36616 said...

Did you check the Sorel newspaper? I found a couple of articles and they had a FEW moer pics. Not many and certainly no where NEAR what anyone had for Sid, but it's a few more.


It's in French, so I popped the addy in google translate and was able to read it.

Anonymous said...

Poor Flower! I was reading the article and he had some troubles with his boat when he had the cup. Man. Flower had a good laugh though.

stagerat said...

Chick, when doesn't Flower have a good time? I think he'd have been giggling on the Titanic. I haven't checked that paper, but thanks for the heads up Sunshine. Perhaps there will be a couple of pics I can stea... Uh... Borrow in that article.